EDEE 653 Book Blog
This blog illustrates sample lesson ideas using books incorporated with math for 2nd grade. The math focus ranges from numbers and operations, data analysis, probability, to algebra.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Book #14 A Quarter from the Tooth Fairy
Book #14
A Quarter From the Tooth Fairy by Caren Holtzman
Holtzman, C. (1995). A quarter from the tooth fairy. New York, NY: Cartwheel.
This book tells a story about when a boy finds a quarter from the tooth fairy under his pillow, he’s excited about spending it. He buys a monster from his friend, Mary, but soon decides this wasn’t the right choice and returns the monster to her. She gives him back a nickel and two dimes. Next he buys a spaceship pencil, but then decides it wasn’t the right choice either. When he returns it, the store clerk gives him back five nickels. After two more purchases and returns, each time getting a different assortment of coins, he again has a quarter and decides to put it under his pillow to buy back his tooth!
SC.2-5 The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the value of combinations of coins and bills and the measurement of length, weight, time, and temperature.
2-5.1 Use a counting procedure to determine the value of a collection of coins and bills.
The student will be able to build an understanding of our monetary system of coins and have practice with addition.
Holtzman, C. (1995). A quarter from the tooth fairy. New York, NY: Cartwheel.
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters (for each student)
Read the story aloud. Then give each student pennies, nickels, and quarters (you can place them in small groups also). Ask children to examine the coins and notice the pictures, words, and numbers on both sides. Then draw four columns on the board and title them penny, nickel, dime, quarter. Ask the children what they discovered and record it on the board, including monetary value. Next reread the story, stopping each time the boy receives coins worth 25 cents and ask, “Who can tell me why these coins together equal 25 cents?” Then record the number sentence on the board. Repeat for every time he had 25 cents and record the number sentence, talking through your thinking after the student explains their reasoning. Finally ask, “What other assortments of pennies, nickels, and dimes also add up to 2 cents?” Give them time and them have them record and report their findings.
Book #13 100th Day Worries
Book #13
100th Day Worries by Margery Cuyler
Cuyler, M. (2005). 100th day worries. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.
This book follows a worrier named Jessica. She worried about losing her first tooth, remembering her lunch money, missing the bus, and doing well in school. She worried about everything. When her teacher, Mr. Martin, asks the students to each bring to class a collection of 100 things for the 100th day of school, Jessica immediately starts to worry. As her classmates begin to bring in their collections and she can’t think of anything, she worries even more. But when it comes time for the students to share their homework assignment, Jessica surprise everyone including herself. She brought in 10 groups of 10 items, each one from a member of her family.
SC.2-2 The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the base-ten numeration system; place values; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of adding and subtracting whole numbers.
2-2.5 Interpret models of equal grouping (multiplication) as repeated addition and arrays.
The student will be able to build understanding of 100 through skip counting and addition.
Cuyler, M. (2005). 100th day worries. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.
1 to 100 chart (one per student)
Read the book aloud. Then return to the page where Bobby brings to Mr. Martin his collection of 100 peanuts. Read to the class that he brought five bags with twenty peanuts in each bag and ask, “How do we know the five bags Bobby brought to class with twenty peanuts in each equals one hundred all together?” Have students think and then explain their reasoning. Record their ideas as an addition sentence and as a sequence of numbers (20+20+20+20+20=100 and 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100). Have the students count with you by twenties to 100. Repeat for each collection of 100 things other characters assemble. Finally, ask pairs of students to think of other ways to count to 100 and record each strategy in the two ways you modeled.
Book #12 Probably Pistachio
Book #12
Probably Pistachio by Stuart J. Murphy
Murphy, S. (2000). Probabaly pistachio. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
Probably Pistachio is about a boy, Jack, who is having a bad day during which nothing goes as he expects. After soccer practice his coach offers a snack to each of the players. There are seven bags of pretzels, five bags of crackers, and three bags of popcorn in a basket. Coach holds the basket up high as the children randomly pick a snack one-by-one. Jack really wants a bag of popcorn and hopes there is still enough after his friend Alex picks popcorn. But Jack ends up with pretzels!
SC.2-6 The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of creating questions to collect data, organizing data, describing trends of a data set, and making predictions based on data.
2-6.4 Predict on the basis of data whether events are more likely or less likely to occur.
Students will be able to make predictions and understand probability in terms of certain, likely, unlikely, and impossible.
Murphy, S. (2000). Probabaly pistachio. New York, NY: Harper Collins. Color tiles
Opaque bag
Color tile chart
(Prior to class, place enough color tiles in a bag for each student to pick one tile. Record the number of tiles of each color. For example, for a class of 20, place 10 blue tiles, 7 red tiles, and 3 yellow tiles in a bag. Modify the Color Tile Chart to include the appropriate colors if necessary.)
Read the book aloud to the class. Throughout the book, ask the class if it is likely or unlikely for Jack to get what he wants. Then announce that each student will pick a tile from a bag without looking in the bag(s). Announce and record on the board the number of tiles of each color in the bag(s). Display the Color Tile Chart on an overhead or on the board. Ask students to predict what color tile they will pick. Record the students predictions on the Color Tile Chart. Before each student picks a tile, ask if it is likely or unlikely that he/she will get the color he/she predicted. Point out the number of remaining tiles of the color the student predicted to pick. If there are no tiles of that color remaining, explain to the students that it is impossible to pick the color he/she predicted. Likewise if there is only one color left and the student predicted to pick that color, it is certain that the student will pick his/her predicted color. After the student picks a tile, record what color tile was picked by placing it on the chart in the appropriate column or by marking the chart with a tally. Also record what color was picked next to their prediction. Discuss if the student’s prediction was correct. Repeat the last two steps for each student. Review the terms certain, likely, unlikely, and impossible. Finally, ask students to give examples of something that is certain or impossible to occur. For example, “It is certain that I will go to bed tonight” or “it is impossible that I can fly like a bird.”
Monday, June 14, 2010
Book #11 Pigs at Odds
Book #11
Pigs at Odds by Amy Axelrod
Axelrod, A. (2003). Pigs at odds. New York, NY: Aladdin.
This book tackles the concept of probability in a carnival environment with games. As the piglets enter the fair, they want to go on the rides, while their parents want to start with the booths. Since they can't be in two places at once, Mr. Pig decides to flip a coin, and thus probability enters the story line. After an invigorating ride on the roller coaster, the pigs try their luck at numerous games of chance.
SC.2-6 The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of creating questions to collect data, organizing data, describing trends of a data set, and making predictions based on data.
2-6.2 Organize data in charts, pictographs, and tables.
2-6.4 Predict on the basis of data whether events are more likely or less likely to occur.
The student will be able to understand probability in terms of more likely and less likely and determine if a game is fair.
Axelrod, A. (2003). Pigs at odds. New York, NY: Aladdin.
(Made prior to lesson:)
Birthday Spinner
Birthday Month Mat
Birthday Spinner Results Sheet
Color Spinner
Color Mat
Color Spinner Results Sheet
Read the book, Pigs at odds, aloud to the class. Explain to the class that they will play the Birthday Game like Mr. and Mrs. Pig to explore probability. Working in groups, give each group a Birthday Spinner, a Birthday month mat, a Birthday Spinner Results Sheet, and one counter for each student. Instruct students to place their counters on their birthday month. Tell students to take turns spinning the spinner. Tell the students that the spinner must make at least one complete rotation to count as a spin. Demonstrate a complete rotation for the class. After each spin, one student should record the results (on what month the spinner landed and if anyone won) on the Results Sheet. Spin at least 10 times. Explain to the class that a game is fair if all players have an equal chance of winning. Ask the class “do you think this game is fair? Why or why not?” After some discussion from the class, point out that each month on the spinner is the same size. Suggest that the students investigate another spinner, one with 3 colors. (Note: On the Color Spinner, one color is larger than the other two colors. Do not point this out to the students yet.) Working in groups again, give each group the same materials. Instruct students to place their counters on their favorite color and repeat the same steps the just performed. Remind if necessary. Ask the class on which color did the spinner land the most? Ask “do you think this game is fair? Why or why not?” After some discussion with the class, point out that one color is larger than the other. Ask “if red is the largest color on the spinner and my favorite color is red, do you think I am more likely to win or less likely to win?” and “If my favorite color is blue, and blue is a small color on the spinner, am I more likely or less likely to win?” Revisit the birthday spinner. Ask the class again “do you think this game is fair now? Why or why not?” Students should explain that the game is fair because each person has an equal chance of winning because the months on the spinner are the same size.
Book #10 Caps for Sale
Book #10
Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
Solbodkina, E. (1996). Caps for sale. New York, NY: Harper Festival.
The story follows the life of a cap salesman who wears his entire stock of caps on his head, seventeen in all, including his own cap. He strolls through towns and villages chanting, "Caps! Caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap!" One day, the peddler sits down under a tree to take a nap, with all his caps still on his head. When he awakens, all the caps but his own are gone. They were stolen by a troop of monkeys, who now sit in the tree wearing them. The peddler orders them to return his caps, scolds them, and yells at them, while the monkeys only imitate him. The peddler finally throws down his own cap in disgust, upon which the monkeys throw theirs down as well, right at his feet. He stacks the caps back on his head, sorting them by color, and strolls back to town calling out, "Caps! Caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap!"
SC.2-6 The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of creating questions to collect data, organizing data, describing trends of a data set, and making predictions based on data.
2-6.2 Organize data in charts, pictographs, and tables.
The student will be able to describe and sort hats according to their color and represent data using bar graphs.
Solbodkina, E. (1996). Caps for sale. New York, NY: Harper Festival.
Hat template for each student
Crayons, markers, or paint
Graphing sheets or graphing mat
Cap attribute cards (different sizes, colors, and patterns on each cap)
Read the book aloud. Have each student color/decorate a cap. Place them in groups and ask them to discuss what is different about each cap, then, how each cap is the same. Let them share their findings with the class. Then give each student a set of cap attribute cards and ask them to sort the cards based on color using a graphing sheet or mat. (First show them an example a finished product). As a class, review what characteristics students noticed about their hats (e.g. color, size, shape, etc.) and how the students represented their data.
Book #9 How Many Feet in the Bed?
Book #9
How Many Feet in the Bed? by Diane Johnston Hamm
Hamm, D. (1991). How many feet in the bed? New York: NY: Aladdin Paperbacks.
This is a counting book that begins with a little girl asking her father, one morning when he wakes up, “How many feet are in the bed?” He answered, “I thought there were two.” But then the little girl climbs in the bed, followed by her brother Tom, baby Jane, and then her mother. Each time they figured out how many feet were in the bed and they continued their figuring as the bed emptied two by two.
2-1.7 Generalize connections among mathematics, the environment, and other subjects.
2-2 The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes and understanding of the base-ten numeration system; place values; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of adding and subtracting whole numbers.
2-3 The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of numeric patterns and quantitative and qualitative change.
2-3.1 Analyze numeric patterns in skip counting that uses the numerals 1 through 10.
The student will be able to add and subtract as the number of feet grows and lessens.
Hamm, D. (1991). How many feet in the bed? New York: NY: Aladdin Paperbacks.
Read the book aloud. Then re-read the book and as you read have the children figure out how many feet there are in the bed. To make it a bit more challenging, introduce the possibility that a pet dog or cat could also be in the bed. You could give them a number of feet in the bed and have them tell you how many people and/or animals, and what kind, are in the bed. Next have them figure out how many feet are in the class. Ask that they show their work and explain their reasoning. Have students present their methods to the class to help reinforce that there is more than one way to solve a problem.
Book #8 Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday
Book #8
Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday by Judith Viorst
Viorst, J. (1978). Alexander, who used to be rich last sunday. New York, NY: Scholastic.
The story is about a boy name Alexander who was given a dollar by his grandparents when they were visiting on a Sunday. He really wanted a walkie talkie, but was tempted to buy other things so he didn’t save his money. Alexander ended up spending all of his money little by little on things like, bubble gum, some bets, a snake rental, a garage sale, and fines from his dad from saying mean things to his brothers. At the end of the book he spent all of his money and was left with a deck of cards, and one-eyed bear, a melted candle, and bus tokens that he had before he was given the dollar.
SC.2-5 The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the value of combinations of coins and bills and the measurement of length, weight, time, and temperature.
2-5.1 Use a counting procedure to determine the value of a collection of coins and bills.
2-5.2 Use coins to make change up to one dollar.
The student will be able to add up how much money has been spent and figure out how much money is left from a dollar.
Viorst, J. (1978). Alexander, who used to be rich last sunday. New York, NY: Scholastic.
Money/Coins (optional)
Begin by reading the book to the class. Then read it again, stopping each time Alexander spends some of his dollar and asking how much he has left. Have the children do the math in their head or give them the coins as manipulatives. Have the children explain their reasoning. You can also have them record their addition and subtraction sentences to describe Alexander’s expenditures. As a follow up activity, ask the children how they might spend a dollar. Start by having class list things they would like to buy and estimate what they might cost. Have them work individually or in pairs to plan how they might spend their dollar.
Book #7 A Three Hat Day
Book #7
A Three Hat Day by Laura Geringer
Geringer, L. (1985). A three hat day. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publisher.
This book is about a man named R.R. Pottle that loves hats. His parents were lovers of canes and umbrellas. Hats are all he thinks about and they make him happy when he is sad. So one day Mr. Pottle was feeling glum so he went for a stroll with three hats on. He encountered a storm and ended up going into a hat store. He gets fussed at by one of the employees until the owner, Isabel, defends him by saying, “That this man is a lover of hats!” Mr. Pottle noticed that Isabel was wearing a perfect hat. They fell in love and had a daughter that was a lover of shoes!
SC.2-1 The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.
2-1.1 Apply substantive mathematical problem-solving strategies.
The student will be able to determine how many possible combinations there are for Mr. Pottle to wear.
Geringer, L. (1985). A three hat day. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publisher.
After reading the book shoe the children the cover and ask them to identify the order (first, second, third) in which he placed the hats on his head. Next ask if anyone has an idea about another order in which he could have put on the hats. Then pose the problem, “How many different ways could R.R. Pottle wear his three hats?” They can work in small groups or pairs and record their findings. If they need help tell them that there are six combinations possible. If this activity is too easy, ask how many possible combinations are there if he also added a top hat at the same time. If there is additional time, have the students represent their findings in illustrations. Discuss as a whole group.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Book #6 12 Ways to Get to 11
Book #6
12 Ways to Get to 11 by Eve Merriam
Merriam, E. (1993). 12 ways to get to 11. New York, NY: Scholastic.
The book opens by counting from one to twelve, but leaving out eleven. “Where’s eleven?” the next page asks and the rest of the book had bright illustrations combining things that ad up to eleven. There are twelve examples total.
SC.2-2 Numbers and Operations: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the base-ten numeration system; place values; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of adding and subtracting whole numbers.
2-2.8 Generate addition and subtraction strategies to find missing addends and subtrahends in number combinations through 20.
The student will be able to recognize and solve adding combinations that equal eleven.
Merriam, E. (1993). 12 ways to get to 11. New York, NY: Scholastic.
11 counters of choice per student
Read the story to the class. Then ask children for strategies that confirm each collection of items add up to 11. Record the corresponding addition number sentences have children read them aloud, and ask each student to arrange 11 counters to represent the addends in each equation. Then ask students to find ways to count to 11 with three and six addends and write their own number sentence for way to add to 11. Leave the text out for children to choose to read by making it a center with a bag of 11 super fun counters.
Book #5 The Napping House
Book #5
The Napping House by Audrey Wood
Wood, A. (1984). The napping house. New York, NY: Scholastic.
This book is about some napping inhabitants in a house on a dark, rainy day. First a granny that is snoring away is napping in the bed and is joined, one by one, by a dreaming child, then a dozing dog, a snoozing cat, a slumbering mouse, and finally a wide-awake flea. Then there is a chain reaction when the flea bites the mouse and everyone is woken up one by one. It ends up being okay because when everyone is awoken it is a bright sunny day.
SC.2-2 Numbers and Operations: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the base-ten numeration system; place values; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of adding and subtracting whole numbers.
The student will be able to add numbers up creating a total number.
Wood, A. (1984). The napping house. New York, NY: Scholastic.
Read the book aloud. Then turn to the page with all of the characters on it and have the students identify how many legs each character has. List this information on the board, then ask, “How many legs are there in the bed all together?” Have students solve the problem and then share their methods. If a student is struggling use the making 10s model to show them how to add the numbers. If there is time, have them draw a picture of the people and pets in their house, record the number of legs of each, and figure the total. Finally have them write an addition number sentence that represents how they figured out the number of legs in their house.
Book #4 More Than One
Book #4
More Than One by Miriam Schlein
Schlein, M. (1996). More than one. New York, NY: Scholastic.
This book talks about how the number one can be thought of as more than one. It shows, for example, how a pair of shoes is two shoes, but is one pair. It offers numerous examples such as these, including days of the week, players on a team, even grains of sand on a beach.
SC.2-2 Numbers and Operations: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the base-ten numeration system; place values; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of adding and subtracting whole numbers.
The student will be able to understand the basic idea of our place value system and understand that sometimes one really means more than one.
Chart Paper
Schlein, M. (1996). More than one. New York, NY: Scholastic.
Post chart paper horizontally on the wall and write the numbers from 1 to 12 in a row across the top. Ask the children to brainstorm things that together are one, but are really more than one. Then, underneath each number, list the children’s suggestions of things that come in groups that size. After the number 12 on the chart write many, many more and ask students to add examples of things that come in groups much larger than 12. Leave the chart on the wall and allow the students to add more throughout the week or month.
Book #3 Math Fables
Book #3
Math Fables by Greg Tang
Tang, G. (2004). Math fables. New York, NY: Scholastic.
This book has rhyming fables to numbers one to ten. It begins with one and goes up to ten. The number represents the total numbers of animals in each fable, then there is a math problem that adds them up or subtracts them from one another. The fables get increasingly complex as the number get bigger towards the end of the book.
SC.2-2 Numbers and Operations: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the base-ten numeration system; place values; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of adding and subtracting whole numbers.
The student will be able to combine two addends for the numbers one to ten.
11 counters of choice per student
Tang, G. (2004). Math fables. New York, NY: Scholastic.
Before reading, show the children the cover and talk about what fables are and what math fables might be about. Then tell them that there are ten tables in this book and that after you read each one, you’d like them to predict what they think the math in the next one will be about. Read the first fable about one spider waiting patiently in her web and ask, “What do you think the math in the next fable will be about?” It will become apparent that each page will be one higher and the math problems will change. After reading, list the ten numbers and their combinations, as shown in the story. Distribute ten counters to each student and have then show the arrangements with their counters as you go through the story again. As a final challenge, ask the children if there were a page 11, what combinations could you make to create an addition problem with their counters.
Book #2 The King's Commissioner
Book #2
The King’s Commissioners by Aileen Friedman
Friedman, A. (1994). The king’s commissioners. New York, NY: Scholastic.
This book tells the story about a king who has so many royal commissioners that he loses track of how many there are. Every time he has a problem in his kingdom, the king appoints a new commissioner for that problem. There is a commissioner for flat tires, chicken pox, mismatched socks, and wrong turns, to mention a few. To find out how many there are the king tells his commissioners to show up to be counted. His royal advisors both count them and one count them by two’s and the other by 5’s. But the kind just wants a total number, not groups of numbers. So his princess daughter comes up with a plan to line the commissioners up in rows of ten and count them. Her father, the king, understands her and she shows him that there is more than one way to count.
SC.2-2 Numbers and Operations: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the base-ten numeration system; place values; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of adding and subtracting whole numbers.
The student will be able to understand the basic idea of our place value system. The student will recognize that there are multiple ways to add up numbers to get a total.
Friedman, A. (1994). The king’s commissioners. New York, NY: Scholastic.
Before reading the book talk with students about what a commissioner is. After clarifying that a commissioner is someone who helps the king with important matters read the story. Afterwards ask questions, such as, why was the king confused by the royal advisors’ counting methods? Why did the princess’s idea make sense to the king? How did the princess convince the king? After discussing these questions, revisit how the two royal advisors and the princess counted, referring to the illustrations in the book, depicting the tally marks and rows of tens. Count together as a class by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to get the total. Finally discuss the difference in the counting methods and which one was the easiest. You could also use counters to illustrate this for those students who are struggling to see the difference.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Book #1 Chrysanthemum
Book #1
Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
Henkes, K. (1991). Chrysanthemum. New York, NY: Scholastic.
Chrysanthemum is a mouse. Her parents love their little girl with all of their heart and think she is perfect. So they gave her a name that they also think is perfect, Chrysanthemum. The child loves her name and thinks it’s absolutely perfect too, until she starts school. Her classmates make fun of her name for being too long and having the same name as a flower. Chrysanthemum is very sad until one day her music teacher compliments her name and tells her that she was considering naming her daughter Chrysanthemum. She also gets a role in a play as a daisy, which her classmates find hilarious. Her classmates have a change of heart and begin to love her name as she did before school began.
SC.2-1 Mathematical Processes: The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.
2-2.1 Apply substantive mathematical problem-solving strategies.
2-1.3 Explain and justify answers to simple problems.
SC.2-2 Numbers and Operations: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the base-ten numeration system; place values; and accurate, efficient, and generalizable methods of adding and subtracting whole numbers.
2-2.8 Generate addition and subtraction strategies to find missing addends and subtrahends in number combinations through 20.
The student will be able to use addition and subtraction to make comparisons.
Interlocking Cubes
Henkes, K. (1991). Chrysanthemum. New York, NY: Scholastic.
After reading the book write Chrysanthemum on the board. Point to the letters and have the children count along with you to verify that the name has 13 letters. Then underneath Chrysanthemum, write the author’s first name, Kevin. Ask, “How many more letters are there in Chrysanthemum then in the author’s name?” After students have had a few minutes to think, have them share their ideas with a partner. Then follow up with a class discussion about the different ways students figured out the answer, recording their solutions and strategies on the board. (Adding or subtracting or noting extra letters) Model how to solve the problem correctly with interlocking cubes by making trains so children can compare and count. Then show how to represent the problem with addition and subtraction number sentences, relating each to the train of cubes. Next give an individual assignment by asking the children to write their own name on a sheet of paper can compare the letters to the number of letters in Chrysanthemum. Then they can compare the number of letters in their name to the number of letters in their classmate’s names. To help them record their thinking, write a prompt on the board: Chrysanthemum (or a classmates name) has______more letters than my name. I figured it out by______________.
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