Monday, June 14, 2010

Book #7 A Three Hat Day

Book #7
A Three Hat Day by Laura Geringer
Geringer, L. (1985). A three hat day. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publisher.

This book is about a man named R.R. Pottle that loves hats. His parents were lovers of canes and umbrellas. Hats are all he thinks about and they make him happy when he is sad. So one day Mr. Pottle was feeling glum so he went for a stroll with three hats on. He encountered a storm and ended up going into a hat store. He gets fussed at by one of the employees until the owner, Isabel, defends him by saying, “That this man is a lover of hats!” Mr. Pottle noticed that Isabel was wearing a perfect hat. They fell in love and had a daughter that was a lover of shoes!

SC.2-1 The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.
2-1.1 Apply substantive mathematical problem-solving strategies.

The student will be able to determine how many possible combinations there are for Mr. Pottle to wear.

Geringer, L. (1985). A three hat day. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publisher.

After reading the book shoe the children the cover and ask them to identify the order (first, second, third) in which he placed the hats on his head. Next ask if anyone has an idea about another order in which he could have put on the hats. Then pose the problem, “How many different ways could R.R. Pottle wear his three hats?” They can work in small groups or pairs and record their findings. If they need help tell them that there are six combinations possible. If this activity is too easy, ask how many possible combinations are there if he also added a top hat at the same time. If there is additional time, have the students represent their findings in illustrations. Discuss as a whole group.

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